Fat Buddies is an upcoming Chinese action comedy directed by Bao Beier. The film revolves around a pair of big-boned, bumbling cops who find themselves at the heart of a drug trafficking case. The cast includes Wen Zhang, Bao Beier, Clara Lee, and Xu Juncong.
GENRE: Action, Comedy
CAST: Bei-Er Bao, Zhang Wen, Jingfei Guo, Ryu Kohata
RELEASE DATE: 30 Sep 2018
The film revolves around a pair of big-boned, bumbling cops who find themselves at the heart of a drug trafficking case. The agent “J” (Zhang Wen) was shot in the head during an A-level mission, causing damage to the intracranial hypothalamus. During the period of rehabilitating, J gradually became a big fat man of three hundred pounds and suffered from severe narcolepsy.
Bao also stars with Johnny Wen in the film, which was mostly shot in Japan and will be released in October 2018 during China’s National Day holiday period. Korean-American actress Clara Lee (Line Walker) and Japanese action legend Yasuaki Kurata also star.
The story follows a special agent who gains weight during missions, and ends up in a Japanese hospital where he teams up with an equally overweight security guard to take down a drugs cartel.
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